Friday favorites Piece of happiness

Friday Favorites Halloween

It’s the second to last Friday of October! So naturally, this week we’ll focus on Friday Favorites Halloween. Halloween isn’t celebrated very widely in the Netherland. I myself don’t really celebrate it either. But I love watching Halloween movies and enjoying the Halloween aesthetic. Have you made any (corona-proof) Halloween plans yet?

Friday Favorites Halloween

Let’s kick this week’s favorites off with our very own Halloween embroidery:

How pretty are these embroidery hoops? Love the contrast between the colors of the fabric and the colors of the threads:

I recently rewatched Mean Girls, and thought this image goes well with that theme:

How pretty are the colors of these royal icing cookies?:

Such an awesome outfit. Check out the little hat on the cat!:

Nostalgia meets Halloween:

And we of course have to include a black cat as well:

Do you have any Halloween favorites? Let us know in the comments below!

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